Thursday, 10 May 2012

 Nadana Clarke
 Aaron Pawsey and Nadana Clarke
 Courtney Escreet and Brandon Singh
 Kadisha Brandy
 Latoya Kirby and Anthony Jones
Courtney Escreet

Condobolin Debutaunt Ball 2012. A very rewarding shoot and an opportunity to play around with a location and apetures on my camera. The Location was the old Tar Water Tower in Condobolin. When I mention to the parents and the young ladies that's where I wanted to shoot. A look of confusion was seen on each face's. As we gathered for the shoot I straight away they felt at ease and not knowing what I wanted to achieve with the shots. The final results speak for themselves and I am happy with what I got. I wanted to work with my apetures  (AV) on camera and got it right the 1st time. It also helped having great subjects/models to shoot as I have known most of these young ladies most of their lives and it shows in the images. Thanks ladies for letting me be a part of something special. Courtney Escreet, Nadana Clarke, Kadisha Brandy and Latoya Kirby.

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